This is difficult to talk about

My father has smoked cigs for a very long time. He has had a stroke, two heart attacks, and has diabetes. He has stints in his heart. Part of his lung was cut out. He won’t quit smoking. His feet are swollen.

I really think he’s going to pass soon. They have him on fifteen pills but does not take them all.


I’m sorry, @roxanna.

I hope your father starts taking care of his health soon.

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I’m sorry @roxanna hugs)))

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All the things you love are going to die.

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:disappointed_relieved: it is so difficult to make lifestyle changes. I hope things improve. So hard to see family not doing well. ((Hugs))

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That’s tough @roxanna. My father in law is 89, and he smoked for over 40 years but he did finally quit. But he’s had heart attacks, open heart surgeries, strokes, copd, you name it . He’s not been doing so well lately. It’s touch and go. It’s so hard on the family see a formerly big, strong man go through this. I really feel for you and your family.


It’s hard to quit I cant even quit for a day

Hope he quits soon and lives a longer life I need to quit to its messing with my lungs and iam young 27 to it’s good to quit now while it hasn’t done any damage

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I feel you. My parents are both heavy drinkers. I just learned my mom was diagnosed with fatty liver disease. Wouldn’t be surprised if my dad has it too. My dad does not think he drinks too much and my mom just doesn’t care. It is so frustrating and stressful and heartbreaking to watch the people you love kill themselves slowly in front of you.

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Not outer space.

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