This is a weird one

S/dau bought a stool so I can put my feet up and hopefully sort out my swollen right foot. It’s a great idea, but both last night and this afternoon there’s been problems.

I set a time with Alexa.Put my feet up and close my eyes to relax. Then I get panicky and the hyperventilating starts! It does that repeatedly while my feet are up and I’m trying to relax. I can think of no logical explanation for it .


How’s your blood pressure? Do you get dizzy or panicky when standing up after sitting for a while?

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Think it’s maybe like a proprioception type thing? I think I have heard these can happen to folks like yourself on the spectrum

Not dizzy, though I’ve had postural hypotension a good number of years ago. BP quite good for my age. Can’t stand up long because of lower backache.

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It could be. Thanks for that.

I think hyperventilating is usual in panicattacks.

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Thanks-but I know that. It’s the situation in which I’m panicking that’s the issue.

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I received a bad shock closing my eyes and try to go through it. I think I have still traumatic stress from this experience, but somehow overall in general I am more relaxed.

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