Thinking about leaving

I’m sorry guys, I must have made you guys angry at me. I’m thinking about leaving

I didn’t see anything. Stick around.

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I’m not angry at you!



I’m not angry at you. Stressed out over the holidays blues though.

I don’t think anybody is mad at you for no reason. I see your posts and I don’t see you giving anyone a reason to be mad at you. Could you be reading the situation wrong? If you are around here long enough you see posts pop up occasionally where someone thinks everyones mad at them, but they’re usually wrong.

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I haven’t seen any offensive or bad behavior on your part.

You’re cool beanz in my book!

:smiley: :+1:


I will be angry with you if you leave.

In fact I demand more photos simply because you thought of it.

And Imma bite your ankles when I don’t feel like a diseased lung.


I probably won’t produce any new work for a little while. I need a new computer with editing software, a new car, and a new job. My life is rough right now, but be patient! I promise I’ll get more stuff soon.


I don’t see why anyone would be mad at you

Lots of us have been where you are. Many are currently in that situation. We understand. No need to leave. You’re a welcome part of the forum


I come and go from forums a lot because of my paranoia. I get so freaked out that people are intruding into my thoughts that I have to take flight. I’m trying to do better at not running away. Stick around, our minds play lots of tricks on us. Take care


You don’t have to leave @PhotoGuy. You haven’t done anything wrong. You’re cool here.

I do a lot just using my phone and Snapseed, to be honest.

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