Things are looking up

I’m currently sharing a one bedroom apartment with my mom, since my hospitalization one year and a half ago. She sleeps on the living room on the couch, I told her we could switch but she likes to be near the tv at night, and I go to bed earlier.

So we’re finally starting to look up, we’re finaaaally looking for another apartment with two bedrooms. I’ll get another kitten when the time comes to. :smile:

Right now we’re looking, expecting to move in July/August.

Wish me luck!

Have a great day everyone


Good luck…:+1: @Minnii:alien:

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I’m glad to hear things are going well for you. It’s always a relief when things work out. I got a cat you can have. I’m ready to ship her to Portugal.


Ahaha :smile: I’ll adopt a baby kitten so my older cat can get used to him/her :slight_smile:


Happy,15 char :slight_smile:

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Good luck Minnii. Moving house can be a bit stressful though, so be prepared!

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You are lucky to have a caring mom as your companion. Wish you good luck in finding a nice 2 bedroom apartment.


I know. My mom stresses a lot on movings, I don’t, but her stress usually gets me. I’ve moved so many times.

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Thank you @green5 :smile: I am lucky :slight_smile:

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Time to get Mom off of the couch! Good luck with the move and congrats!! :sunny:

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That’s great news @minnii… I’m glad for both of you and the future kitty.

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Thank you @Patrick and @Azley :smile:


Best of luck with the move @Minnii! :slight_smile:

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Good news @Minnii good luck with the move!

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