They’re giving out free covid take home tests at the train station

The problem is you have to either camp out to get their early. (Before the three o’clock give away). Or you can sell your soul in other ways by waiting for the 13482 cars to move that are in front of you. And chances are by the time the 13482 cars move?? They’ll run out of the tests. I’m sorry mom I do love you. But that love comes within reason too….not going to sell my soul to see them run out of tests. No “people”, they are not crazy. “Hysterical” yes. But I don’t think they’re all schizophrenic level of crazy…not yet.

I may be wrong though.


Why is waiting in line causing you to sell your soul? I don’t get it

It’s a jungle out there zannah. Soul sucking activity. To not get anything in the end


Yeah. Getting out is mentally and emotionally exhausting

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Not as much about getting out. But there were cars in places they’ve never been before. Traffic backed up to points unimaginable

Kudos to who got there early. I was at an interview. Went ASAP. Now my mom is going on her own. I predict she’ll give up in the next 4 or 5 minutes and return home also…


My 87 year old fragile and immunocompromised father tested positive for Covid today.
Yes I’m ■■■■■■■ worried.


She gave up right away. She’s home now too. I was right to, too I guess.


I’m sorry @Wave. Is he in the hospital?


My dad is immunocompromised too I’d say. Although he beat prostate cancer last year. His Parkinson’s is seemingly getting worse. My dad is 72 and my mom is 74. We gotta be worried but hopefully everything turns out alright In the end. Prayers/hugs go out to you and your dad. Do everything you need to do and hang in there. Everything’s gonna be alright Im hoping :crossed_fingers: it’s bad news indeed but important to not overcatastrophize. Now may be the time to take a PRN if you got it. @Wave

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Hang in there @Wave 1 hour or step at a time. It’s a tough time indeed.


A Black Friday like free for all results any time a local pharmacy gets a limited supply of the free RATs. People just lose their @#$% and fight over them.


Eesh! I believe it too.


I thought I was ■■■■■■■■ bc I had to wait 40 minutes in a car line for my two nasal swabs several months ago at my small town clinic.


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No so far he’s doing ok


I’m relieved to hear that @Wave.

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley 15

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