A few weeks back I commented on the local radio stations facebook post and they asked me to go live on air to talk to them about my answer. No chance!! Now i commented again and they just want me to prerecord my answer. I guess I’ll do that. I need to either stop commenting or give crappy answers lol.
Be thankful it’s not The Squirrel. There’s nothing we do that doesn’t turn out awkward for someone.
I got to go on the radio with three other classmates during my senior year of high school. We read ads, took phone calls for song requests. It was fun until I ■■■■■■ up and played a Korn song with cussing over the air. The DJ was not pleased with me. Didn’t get in trouble for it at school but it could have ended much worse.
It was still fun though.
When I used to work I was on the radio a few times for fundraisers etc. Back then I was more confident.
You need an online station of your own. Canadian obscenity laws don’t apply to online stations, only those broadcasting over licensed spectrum. So if you’re listening to SQFM and hear PSAs for proper butt plug insertion, that’s why.
I would love to get on the air. I would put on my best Southern voice and act like a fire and brimstone Preacher.
“Oooooo wee! Have I got sumthin’ to tell y’all sinners!”
Did you write the FAQ? Its funny lol
Lol! I would totally have coffee with you just to pick your brain.
SQFM sounds kikazz.
Yeah, that was me. My wife made me tone down the original draft.
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