These thing mark time and make us Pause!

So it’s been 3 years since mum passed. Weird. I try to block out most of that feeling to maintain. It’s sad as hell but we move forward etc. Still. It’s my first time visiting mums memorial since she passed. Went with the family. It was nice we left some flowers and my sister bought a coffee for mum. She loved her coffee later in life…

Ended up going for an early lunch and caught up with my other brother so we were all there. It was nice. Had my young niece there. She’s so gawdamn cute and funny. As these events in our life make us remember it’s not such a bad thing…It’s nice to remember.


I lost my mom not too long ago too @rogueone. So sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss @rogueone

I have never visited my fathers grave

He has been dead 31 years now.

When my mother goes, I am not sure I could cope. I have disappointed her being me

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Yeah matey. It’s weird for me too. Anyways it was a good day and we did good. I wish I was braver in certain areas of my life!

You’re talking about it here. I think you’re brave to go through such a thing and feel able too.

It must have been very hard when it happened.

My step sisters mother died 3 months ago, and she’s in lots of pieces about it

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