I struggled with theory of mind the first 23 years of my life. When I understood theory of mind I thought I came to some new revelation that no ones thought before. I’ve posted this before but never knew it was called theory of mind.
It turns out crows understand theory of mind. Are crows smarter than me? Maybe. They’re incredible creatures. I thought it was cool I was watching a documentary on crows and they understand theory of mind. The only other animals that do. Amazing.
Theory of Mind (often abbreviated ToM) is the ability to attribute mental states — beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, etc. — to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from one’s own.
Theory of mind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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All I can say about this is that I wish “materialism” wasn’t the sole doctrine of how the mind is produced. Too many people think that the brain is the sole arbiter responsible for generating the mind, however I think that is extremely naive. But unfortunately, it is pop science’s model.
I don’t believe consciousness is limited to the brain, thankfully. I am more hopeful that consciousness is more protected & hopefully eternal (at least in my case). But, we’re shrouded in a world of disbelief about God & spirit, so we’re stuck here basking in doctrines of “nothingness” & “death” until we find out for ourselves, when we die, what is truth.
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