That’s pretty interesting, I’ve always felt that way about the universe myself. Heck, if you ask me mother Earth is alive but then I’ve been diagnosed with schizophrenia paranoia.
Kabbalah explains the universe and god using the concept “Ein sof” which is interesting
wow! So good I read it twice.
If the brain is made up of atoms and so many atoms makes a human brain to afford us consciousness. How many atoms are there in the sun and hence its superior consciousness?
All hail the Sun God Ra!
Brain in a vat?
I skimmed through the article. All I can say is it’s interesting and possible. I’ve had some strange experiences. I had one experience at university in a past life where my consciousness was beemed from outer space and into my body. I thought it was reincarnation. This happened millions of past lives ago. I really don’t know what happened. I guess it was some sort of goverment/ET program.
So I guess consciousness can exist outside the body like you said in the other thread…
I like that old Gaia hypothesis. The Earth is a self system and humans are just a blip. The Earth will continue long after us either way till the sun goes nova.
There’s a good sci fi novel about this. Pure Space Opera called " The last legends of Earth " by AA Attanasio.(sp). Amazing book and so good.
I strongly believe that everything is consciousness
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