The twilight zone is the best series of all time

What say you? What say you in another dimension?


Why, I agree. I enjoy the older Twilight Series episodes and also like the later Outer Limits Episodes.
To those who may disagree I will “wish them to the cornfield.” hehehe

JK, I won’t XD

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Rod Serling. That dude was creepy. But in a good way.

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I’m watching the originals on Netflix. I like that creepy stuff.

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Me too. Netflix is a pretty awesome tv thingamajig

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I watched one episode once while babysitting my younger cousins. In the episode (if I am remembering this right), a lamp was possessed and tried to kill everyone. It was like Goosebumps but better.

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I just watched the one where the guy makes a deal with the devil to be immortal for his soul. So the guy gets bored with no danger and tries to jump off his apartment building roof and in doing so, he pushes his wife off the roof instead. So he calls the cops and tells them he just killed his wife hoping to get the electric chair. Instead they give him life in prison.

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I saw that one lately too :smiley:

Hey nice picture.

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The fallout episode was wonderful. I wrote more but it was all spoilers. As far as best series of all time maybe best scifi.

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Yesssss! I can watch it all day, and have a couple of times!

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So I searched for that episode for like an hour, and I think it may have actually been “Amityville: the evil escapes” that I am remembering.

So now I have to actually find and watch a twilight zone episode to see what this is all about.

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Ive never seen an episode of the twilight zone. Would i like it if i love the x files? Are they similer shows? I love creepy tv shows/movies


Wow @brucewillis yea it’s a psychospiritual story line. Its awesome. They are on Netflix currently

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I’ve watched every episode on youtube, in color and in black and white. For a while I would only watch the black and white episodes, but then I warmed up to the color versions. I can’t get the black and white episodes on youtube any more. I don’t know why. One of my favorite episodes is “Hocus pocus and Frisbee” but there are others I like a lot too.

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You’d like The Twilight Zone. Some episodes are stronger than others. The black and white episodes don’t have the benefit of modern technology, but they’re still good.


ty sir 11111111111555555555

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