The show friends and that era

It was a good era for me.

I remember sunny care free days.

I love that show. Chandler is great in it.

What are your thoughts on it and that era in your life? :slight_smile:

It’s one of those sitcoms I never understood.


Why is that?
, @shutterbug

Nothing about it was funny to me. I found it ranged from awkward to horrifying to watch. It seems to be something that appeals to neurotypicals.


I remember watching the finale

I have some serious beef with the show, but I did watch it

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Me neither
Hated that show


I would not be able to watch it anymore. But I did like it back in the days myself

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I’m more of a Frasier fan.

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Ever since I learned about laugh tracks i cant watch sitcoms anymore lol

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What kind of serious beef?



I prefer Seinfeld because the characters in that are sociopaths. Still, it was okay. It suffered from utilizing too much personality based humor. Monica being OCD is “funny” the first few times but tires out really fast but MAN do they keep the OCD jokes coming with her.

Chandler and Joey’s interactions as roommates was always my favorite part of the show.

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I liked “friends”…“cheers” and “homicide on the street” were my nineties shows I watched…oh, and plenty of seinfeld and ren and stimpy. beavis and butthead too.


I like seinfeld and two and a half men

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Ren and Stimpy had some of the funniest facial expressions ever seen in animation


I quite liked phoebe too

I didn’t watch Friends regularly from the beginning, I didn’t start watching regularly until the third or fourth season. When I did watch a couple of the episodes from the first season I found Ross to be very irritating and that turned me off of the whole show for a few years. When I lived by myself from 2008-2015 I bought the DVD’s of the entire ten seasons and used to watch them constantly. I must have seen every episode 40 times each. When I moved to a smaller place I had to get rid of most of my belongings and gave away the entire set of Friends DVD’s among other things.


Never watched it regularly. Not even sure if I saw an entire episode all the way through to be honest. I saw bits and pieces for sure though.

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I never liked friends or sex and the city.

Loved Seinfeld though.


It was nothing like my life and although many loved it I found it alien.

Everyone dated each other and lived great lives with little income. It was absurd and didn’t appreciate the humor. Mind you I was prodromal through a lot of it but I still see it on repeat now and just don’t understand why it was so popular…But I am different from most.

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