The shame felt in addiction often isn’t toxic – it’s healing | Psyche Ideas


My therapist made a distinction between shame and guilt. She said that guilt is when you felt bad about what you were doing, and it inspires motivation to change. Shame, on the other hand, is when you feel inherently bad as a person, and it inspires you to sit and wallow in self-hatred, or else find justifications for why it isn’t really your fault.

I liked that as a distinction. It helped a lot with understanding the various “bad” feelings inside me. In order to grow as people, we need to believe we are capable of growth.


I don’t feel shame or guilt for having had addictions. There is shame and guilt over how I have behaved toward others while in the grip of addiction.


I am thankful a handful of people have forgiven me

It’s far more than I deserve

Like to think more recently I have done more good than bad

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