The Reason I Post Very Little Now On This Forum

I started a thread about ideas I had for a T-Shirt. The Moderators deleted it. I guess they found it to be offensive.

All of my friends and family thought it was very funny. I posted it to another forum and got a ton of ‘likes’.

But here, on this forum…it just disappeared into the ether.

Yes I have schizophrenia. But if I can’t just be myself on this forum without getting censored at every turn for light-hearted posts and banter, then exactly what is the point of me continuing to hang around this site?


Half of the Moderators on this site are gay or ‘two spirited’. I have nothing wrong with that. Like hires like, which is why Treebeard and Ninjastar were brought on board as Mods I suppose.

But it would be really nice if we had some Mods who actually HAD schizophrenia, so the empathy would be there and the quickness to judge would be tempered.

Just sayin…

Seriously @Patrick? Honestly, you’re being a complete homophobic jerk. And speaking of empathy, you are sorely lacking in that department.


Why are you getting so salty when I’m telling the truth?

Or will you ban this thread as well, because it offends your delicate sensibilities?

Not sure why you think no mods have sz. This is a recurring theme with you. Three out of five do, and a fourth has a different psychotic disorder. I don’t think a failure to understand sz is the problem you’re running up against.


We all had more freedom to be ourselves when Pixel was the moderator.

Stop acting like my Mother.

Start behaving like a rational libertarian and you might gain a little more respect from me…and others.

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Dude, I am so not your mother. I honestly have given up on caring what you do to yourself. I’m only interested in mitigating the damage to the community.

FYI, it was an empathetic sz mod who took down your post. So maybe adjust the sight on your blame gun.


The mods here,I believe, are mostly sz/sz-a or at least have experienced psychosis.


Sounds like this is the product of you being off meds?


What was the shirt going to be?


This is what I posted. Call 911 if your heart starts to palpitate! It’s THAT offensive!!


@firemonkey As far as I know, all of the Mods (except for me), have sz/sza or have a related disorder with psychosis.

Here’s the scoop on me…

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haha thats some funny ■■■■ though! I think you could sell that


I hate to throw gas on this fire but…that shirt is amazing! Hahahahahahaha

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Bwaahaaa. Nope. I deleted plenty, just was stealthy about it. Democracy is for suckers.



I always thought you were a guy @Moonbeam :open_mouth:

Cool. My apologies.

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@Chrishasheart Ahaha! It must be my manly way of posting. :grin:


Idk about anyone else, but I’d like to see Patrick post more.


LoL! Yes. Those tough sentences and key strokes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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id buy that