The problem i find with getting friends is since i currently don’t have any no one wants to hang out with me. Its like a catch 22 u cant make friends unless u already have some.
Try this site
@Gtx1990 uses it with great success!
Yes,you can try started by joining the Social Anxiety and Depression Support group,then once I know a few people inside I go out with them and enjoy time without using Meetup.
I also went to Meetup on other groups like the dating and Movie club,it was quite fun overall.You can try!
Ive heard about it but never gave it thought. Ill have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation guys.
No problem. I hope it goes well!
There are so many things to pick from on that site. I myself am becoming a bit introspective (looking inside my mind) lately in order to prepare for going far away for grad school and not coming back often. I also quit going out late and I mainly workout and sometimes chill somewhere with my friends. They’re all like me, workout guys who have their heads on straight. I used to go out super late and party and what not, it had its place. I’m too old for that now. I’m in bed right now at 1030 on a Saturday night. I was invited to hangout but it was too late and I was getting ready to buzz my head, shower and brush and floss and take my bedtime meds.
Have fun in school. Just remember that it’s not a joke and to do your best. I’m under pressure to be perfect. Well that’s because I want a PhD, and they want perfect grades and a physically fit applicant who also does research above their grade level. They also want to see friends and some sort of social life. Check all of the above.
I would not try to do what I do and try to do. It is very rare and for a great reason–it is very hard and very painful if you have schizophrenia. Not the work, it’s not that bad. It’s the little things like lifestyle, work ethic, dedication, sacrificing parts of life for something else.
For example, I had to give up video games. They’re too fun, take too much time, and are more fun that reality. I had to give up heavy drinking. I can have a drink maybe two if I didn’t drive and don’t have work to do the next day. Otherwise it is a demanding lifestyle to want the highest education and to actually do it correctly. I can’t explain how hard it was to get my research approved and study for the GRE and make a 4.0 and work as a research assistant to grad students. I was reading hundreds of articles and a few books. I even outlined a book. I remember working from 11 to 10 regularly and then studying Saturday and tutoring for the GRE every Sunday, then practice tests at home.
I had a girlfriend who I decompressed with, watched movies, ate out and uh was intimate with that semester. I was always tired and chugging caffeine and smoking cigarettes. Now I smoke one cig every morning and then put on a patch and just have morning coffee.
My point is that psychology can be very hard. You may want to do psyc for a major and then do social work or counseling for a masters. Or you could be an entry level counselor if you did well in undergrad.
What I chose to do was partly because I wanted to do the hardest thing my school offered. I love challenges.
Now I’m rambling. Yeah, have fun in school but remember that you need your degree and a job. Don’t do as I do, maybe do as I say if it sounds good for you.
I made temporary friends in a CBT group, which I went to for four years. One is proving to be permanent. I now am making a friend of a distant family member. I don’t like making friends with normal people. Normal friends fell away as I got sick. Relationships with women are pretty much impossible. I am intuitively and intellectually smarter than most people. This means I can make friends easily and then let them go because they aren’t complicated or smart enough. I disagree with you that you have to have friends to make friends.
I’m in the same situation. Trying to get my friends back but they are not all very interested. Two of them are but they do not live here.
I find it hard to for the people that I used to be friends with before I got sick to relate to me. They just get quiet or stop talking to me when I tell them that I have schizophrenia now. I understand wanting friends. A lot of mine have abandoned me. Maybe you should strike up a conversation with someone at your doctor’s office. That’s how I met my new friend who has schizoaffective and understands a lot of what I go through. We hang out pretty regularly now. She is pretty much my only friend that I have now, but it’s about quality, not quantity, right?
I have not many friends. I have two small groups of people I’m meeting regularly. I wish we can still get together as we age. I actually have little idea what I’m going to do with friends. We at present do some exercise together and then eat something together. I dont have much to say and mostly just listen. I dont know how to keep friends. The reason we get together is perhaps they still want to spend some time with me. It’s big deal.
My friend told me to get together with other people who have mental disorder. I did try to collect numbers and make phone calls when i was admitted into the hospital. It leads to a new friendship. We met for a couple of time and my new friend said I’m often welcomed to visit her. We play cards and listen to music. Also talk for a bit. I think she is more accepting to me. It is easier to get new friends in the hospital.
I’ll see how this class goes and then i can judge. Who knows it might not be my thing but can’t hurt to try. And giving up video games for me would be an achievement to say the least. Idk if i could do that. Cut back yes. But give up would take work.