I love everybody! Just wanted to love everybody. I think everybody is significant on this site. Don’t hesitate to post on this thread to love everybody! Also I love my sister, my father, and my step-mother! You can post who you love as well!
You just turned my mood around. I was feeling kind of sour this morning, but this post has changed that.
Thanks crimby……151515
AWWWWwwwww How cute!
Haha exactly!
I would love to tell you their too cute names too but they like to stay anonymous lol.
I just want everyone on this site to know that I love each and every single person on this site. And that is a fact. My love goes out to each and every one of you. I pray for you all every single day. And, I’ve been doing it for years and years. And I will continue to do so as long as I live and even beyond.
That is loving of you.
We love you too here.
I also love everybody on this site.
Everyone is so amazing in their own way on this site.
Every single person.
What a great idea for a thread.
Thanks for the compliment
You’re welcome.
Thank you, I needed that. You are a great person too.
I’m pretty emotionally invested in the characters here. But I make mistakes if I try too hard.
I often feel in love with the world and its inhabitants too. Do you ever just stop and feel all the human activity buzzing about and feel a sense of wonder and awe at it all? Everybody doing their thing and being their beautiful selves. <3
I am aged and fading but I love all of you as much as I can. You are great to share with.
I didn’t sleep well for 3 days then last night I slept like a rock!
I felt so bad but today I’m doing great! What an awesome day
That’s awesome man…
I love my sister, my brother, and all my many nieces and nephews, and grand nieces and nephews, and one grand niece on the way.
@naturallycured I never got the impression that you try too hard. You are very supportive and likeable though!