So…i missed it again!!!
They said its gonna be on 23rd September. So i guess, yeah, maybe we should just rename it as " The end of the world as we know it.
Well, buying that months supply of canned corn was a huge mistake.
I’m so blah. If it ends there’s nothing I can do about it. More important things to worry about. What’s for dinner is probably top of my list!
Seriously over it all. I’m not fatalistic. I’m just disinterested and have better things to occupy my time with. Lucky I’ve been investing in canned seafoods…that’ll keep me in the game at least a day longer!
And I feel fine.
I think it’s a delayed “end of the world” like a delayed flight lol
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Maybe there are some construction works on Milky road so its temporary delayed.
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I know most of you find this funny, but there are some here who are legitimately terrified of this.
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