I’m totally floored with the climate emergency
I actually must be evil
Still flying by plane again later this year
still ordering crap I don’t need for delivery
The thing is how inescapable it is
And I don’t know what will hit my region first
Flood fire famine disease of course war
That’s about it
And that’s if I haven’t managed to have ended my life sooo early with addictions and unhealthy lifestyle
It’s emergency everywhere you look
It’s here and it’s now
At what point will the outside world stop sending you tea and coffee
And when will your local food be affected by unusual weather conditions
All of us
Feel like grabbing a poison ring and cyanide pill just in case cannibalism becomes the norm
Anyway the trees I’ve planted a few years back
And those planted as an Inefectual offset
I think they will be part of the last generation of trees
How extreme do you want it?
They were telling me we’d all freeze to death when I was a kid (70s). Then we were all going to cook to death. Now they can’t decide. If you’re looking for things to freak over that are more pressing, worry about a solar flare taking us back to the stone ages or the super volcano in Yellowstone caldera blowing. In the meantime, walk instead of driving when you can, buy products with the least amount of packaging, recycle, and turn off the lights if you’re leaving the room.