The dates you've had

Sweet bolivian girl, we went for an ice cream then we kissed at the beach, never saw her again

I’m really bad at love :sweat_smile:

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Hahaha yes we have heard stories :laughing: I just don’t like the idea of dating someone before you get to know them. I want to be friends with someone first. I dunno it just feels weird otherwise.

I’ve never been on a date w someone who I wasn’t friends w first and we decided to be in a relationship before the date.

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I haven’t been on may dates. Barely any actually

I haven’t had any dates. What’s it like to go out on one?

The last physical date I was on, formally, was in winter 1999. I was extremely nervous as I drove her around searching for a place I thought I knew for lunch. After circling around quite aimlessly, we ended up at a food court and had Sbarro! We were both 32yo. After that, we made it more casual. It was a shame because I didn’t trust her. She was looking for a sugar daddy, so to speak, who could pay off her student loans for her. She knew I was going to inherit from my parents, and she seemed to want to hurry up their deaths. I guess it was no wonder I didn’t trust her if all she wanted from me was money. I was raised differently, or anyway feel that a woman should love me for me. Perhaps that’s naive and romantic, but I wouldn’t be happy any other way. I’m mostly celibate.

I am celibate myself.

I’m too lazy for dating it seems, its been 18 years now

This the closest that I have gotten to having any dates in the past 30 years.


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