I cannot believe the cost of dentistry. I hate my teeth and am in the process of getting new ones. So far I have had 4 teeth pulled at a cost of $800.00 Australian Dollars and I have 25 teeth left in my mouth. I have not yet had a full quote for the moulds and actual dentures (yes dentures as I just cannot afford any other options), but am dreading it. I believe it will be somewhere in the vicinity of $8000.00 by the time I have the immediate denture in my mouth,
The worst part is the immediate denture is only temporary then I have to fork out for a permanent denture. Why oh why could I not have been blessed with beautiful teeth???
I still have good teeth but I am 31y.o. and only drink sugar free soda. I brush my teeth everyday and sometimes mouthwash but too lazy to floss. Yea dentists are too expensive, I used to have work insurance for my dentist when I used to study and work but not anymore. I had braces when I was a kid and it cost my parents 8000$cad.
Im due for a teeth cleaning as my last one was about a year ago. I have one cavity top right side that needs to be removed but my dentist is over an hour drive, I need to find one thats close to my house.
Thanks @Daze, Ii’s weird about the saliva thing and meds. I sure have enough saliva dribble left on my pillow every morning lol., but have a dry mouth during the day.