The Cost of Dentistry

I cannot believe the cost of dentistry. I hate my teeth and am in the process of getting new ones. So far I have had 4 teeth pulled at a cost of $800.00 Australian Dollars and I have 25 teeth left in my mouth. I have not yet had a full quote for the moulds and actual dentures (yes dentures as I just cannot afford any other options), but am dreading it. I believe it will be somewhere in the vicinity of $8000.00 by the time I have the immediate denture in my mouth,

The worst part is the immediate denture is only temporary then I have to fork out for a permanent denture. Why oh why could I not have been blessed with beautiful teeth???

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I still have good teeth but I am 31y.o. and only drink sugar free soda. I brush my teeth everyday and sometimes mouthwash but too lazy to floss. Yea dentists are too expensive, I used to have work insurance for my dentist when I used to study and work but not anymore. I had braces when I was a kid and it cost my parents 8000$cad.

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Im due for a teeth cleaning as my last one was about a year ago. I have one cavity top right side that needs to be removed but my dentist is over an hour drive, I need to find one thats close to my house.

Continue to look after them @Aziz . I am 55 and smoked from the age of 19 until recently. Smoking causes terrible gum disease later in life.

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Yea I never smoked but I vape everyday. I think vaping is healthier. I was never a smoker but started vaping since I got sz for some reason.

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Australia has been on my mind,

has it always been like this, costs on the people?

I’ve been hearing commercials here, U.S., you can
restore your teeth with electric toothbrush, and water pic,
and the individual floss things.

you know it sucks, cuz from psych meds we don’t have enough saliva in our mouths to keep healthy teeth.

anyway, if you’re in pain, I would do it.


I was using mouthwash to put more water in your mouth, moisture,
but I’m out right now.
I just use Crest mouthwash, or the generic kind.

Thanks @Daze, Ii’s weird about the saliva thing and meds. I sure have enough saliva dribble left on my pillow every morning lol., but have a dry mouth during the day.

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Same for me, I am sure its my vaping that contributes to dry mouth as I often drink water after vaping as it makes it dry.

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Gee, aren’t we the sexy ones dribbling on our pillows.

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I guess all we can do is drink more water.

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Drooling is a side effect of antipsychotics, its common. I think @GrayBear takes tongue drops that prevent drooling.


I use Atropine Sulfate drops. :lizard::lizard::lizard:


I worked as a dental assistant a while ago and I know that full mouth dentures, including temporaries and extractions can cost up to 20K.

Dental work is crazy expensive and dental insurance is a joke.

I’m sorry you need all this work.

That’s tough.

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Thanks @GoldenRex , it is very tough considering I don’t have insurance at all.

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