Thankful today

For my parents, my husband, ap meds, good food, my friends and a home to live in.

Some days are worse than others… but I’m feeling good today, maybe the new diet is boosting my mood.

I wish you all happiness and contentment


I’m happy for you @anon61987434

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That’s great, wish you the same. :heartbeat:

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Thank you @LilyoftheValley :pleading_face: I read you’re kind of struggling, your husband is sick? What’s going on with that?

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He has been running a fever on and off for 5 days. He’s been extremely nauseous. I’m worried about him. We got him tested for covid but WW don’t have the results yet. We’re supposed to get them either tomorrow or Monday.

Thanks much❣️ @Rosette

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Dang… hopefully it’s not Covid!! Hope you get the results tomorrow and that you don’t get what he has! Stay safe and try not to get too overwhelmed

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Hey thank you! :slight_smile:

Glad to hear you’re feeling well. :+1:

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Ayeeeee @Montezuma
How are you doing?? What you up to this evening?
You’re welcome! And thank you!

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Hello! :wave:

I’m doing good. I kinda slept the day away thanks to a seroquel I took last night to help me get to sleep ha ha.

But right now I just got through ordering a five pack of plain t-shirts.

Now I’m just listening to a live Dj show on the radio.

Probably gonna throw a movie on around midnight.

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Thanks @anon61987434 . My paranoia is pretty bad right now. I think it’s because I’m stressed

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So sorry to hear that😞 hope things can chill out for you or you can get some extra support to help you through it!

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Ooo, do you know what movie you’re gonna throw on? I might do the same before I go to bed…

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I use to have very similar delusions about being followed and monitored.

I honestly don’t know how I got better. I think in my case my symptoms just calmed down with age.

I still get the occasional bad day though.

I wish you peace of mind, @LilyoftheValley . I know you suffer a lot.


Hmmmm I don’t know what I’m gonna throw on to be honest lol.

I have a few videos from the library that I need to watch.

Or I might just throw on something totally crazy! :crazy_face:

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HAHA😂 better go with the totally crazy!

I might throw on Kill Bill Vol. 1

What time is it where you are? If you don’t mind me asking

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Oh I don’t mind ya asking the time! :slight_smile: it’s a little after ten PM here.

Kill Bill is fun!

I’m thinking something like Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Something totally zany ha ha!!

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Thanks @anon61987434 :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Montezuma

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Ha, I’ve never seen Killer Klowns from outer space!

Have you seen Santa Clause conquers the Martian’s?:joy: I haven’t seen it in a minute, so I don’t remember if it’s any good but I remember renting it cause it seemed totally ridiculous

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