Had a pdoc meeting

It went super well. He’s glad I’m doing so well. So he upped my amitriptyline to help me sleep but other than that it is the same.
After my appt I went to my mom and dads place. We had hamburger soup and soft gingersnap cookies. It all was wonderful. My mom sent soup and chili and cookies and fudge home with me so I’ve got food for the next few days. She’s an amazing cook so I’m thankful for the food.
Now I’m home and the kids are visiting and a hockey game starts in a few minutes.
I’m thankful for good days.


That is awesome. I’m glad you had a good day, you deserve it :blush::blush::blush:

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Glad you had a productive day and everything went well. Important to enjoy those days when things go right because you never know what is around the corner. Well done to you.

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That sounds like a really great day!

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I’m glad you had a good day!

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Thanks @GrayBear and @rogueone and @LED and @Wave

I’m thankful for days like today in spite of the cold.


Glad you had such a nice time @FatMama!

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