Sz thought

I was just wondering what the general consensus was in terms of the kind of thought that sz is represented by. I’m talking about a kind of philosophical category. For example in depression the category might by cynicism, pessimism, or nihilism. I think for sz due to detachment from reality that indirect realism, subjectivism, solipsism in some cases, transcendentalism in some cases, individualism usually, theology in some cases. But I don’t know. I’m just wondering what kind of classifiable thoughts users may have had when ill and if they may have shaped your worldview, because I know in my case I developed solipistic views, nihilistic views, individualist views, etc. These still shape who I am even on meds.


I don’t know all those terms. I’m not nihilistic. I hope I’m not, it seems though maybe I’m pretending to find meaning in my life, maybe I can’t face it, that it’s unbearable. I’m not a skeptic about an afterlife because of paranormal experiences I’ve had and I know that sounds crazy. I like existentialism because they don’t blame people for their problems, but I just have an open mind to it. I think maybe we do and don’t have free will at the same time we just can’t understand it here on earth. I reject the notion of an unbearable hell for forever. You made me think:. am I a nihilist? belief in an afterlife helps there. Maybe a world that is just a little better than earth. It helps to think about when you are never really happy and may just be faking it.

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I would say free will has always been a complicated issue.
I don’t disagree with existentialism because of it’s peaceful stance.

I think you might partially be a nihilist; however, I would say most people in society are at times a nihilist.

I don’t know if there is an afterlife; but I say that is also a complicated issue.

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