Sz/SzA thought disorder//help?

What exactly is the thought disorder with sz/SzA? I’m diagnosed with SzA and I’m not having thoughts… it’s like my mind is completely blank, permanently, like to the extent where I feel I’m cognitively impaired. Is there anything I can do to help this?

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I haven’t experienced that, but others here might.

Are you expressing these concerns to your pdoc?

Do you feel over-medicated?

Are you on antipsychotics. That can be a side effect of them.

I’m not on any form of medication right now

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It could be a symptom of the illness. Look up poverty of thought.

before i went on antipsychotics i had terrible episodes where my brain would just go blank and i couldnt even slightly remember what i was thinking or doing and it was like i was stuck in a way

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