Sz changed everything for the worse in me including my personality. Eventhough I have no positive symptoms I feel like I am living a life that isn’t mine. This isn’t my reality. I wasn’t born to stay in bed 24/7. I am not my real self because of brain or sz damage.
I was never violent, aggressive, imaptient and impulsive before sz.
I was an A student before sz never got into problems. I can’t believe I death threatened ppl during psychosis and federal police came to my house to arrest me.
That’s rough. You don’t hold the record for messed up ■■■■, however
YOu are living in the past again @Aziz . What matters now is what you do to improve your life in your current circumstances.
Lol what about being nude with my psychiatrist. Voices told me to get nude when I was in the room with my psychiatrist. He told me to put back on my clothes.
No way for improvement on a high dose of a very strong AP. All I can do is sedate myself with high doses and sleep all day.
bro I was thinking the same about myself, I was very confident and managed to spend many hours making animations, now with the negatives I feel less than before
I’m suffering along with you
I’m rooting for us to get better
Thanks @Andres_Britas
Lol, that deserves some kind of prize for the funniest symptom or delusion category. I bet your psychiatrist tells that story at parties, lol.
Its easy to look back at before schizophrenia and see what you were. But the matter of fact is that the “new normal” is a different person. I was very outgoing before sz. And funny. Im still funny but not on purpose. But sometimes the things i say make my parents laugh even if i dont mean to be funny.
I was a putz pre-SZ and I’m a putz now.
At least I’m consistent.
The difference between presz and postsz is too huge that its making suicidal. I was almost successful at that twice before. Thats unacceptable.
Wow. Thats scary. A lot of post sz is learning how to cope with the disease. And acceptance that you have it. My depression is much worse now than it ever was pre sz.
I was afraid he would report me to the police.
Good thing it was a man. If it was a women she would have certainly reported me to the police for sexual assault.
I feel the same. Damn zyprexa, I wish I could go off it. I hate this drug! I only lay on the couch. I haven’t showered for two weeks. I don’t do anything. I only check this forum and read the news. That’s it! I have a brand new computer, I also have a switch but I don’t use them.
I was a student and was ready to apply for university. Then boom, psychosis. I have difficulties with abstract thinking and my memory is crap. I’ll probably never be able to get back to my studies.
I gave up on studying and my dreams long time ago. I just want to be independant and be able to walk and go outside, outside my bed. I am slowly dying of physical diseases after losing my will power and gaining 175lb.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Pre- Sz I used to walk, work out, jog and do all kinds of things.
Today I barely walk out through the door. I only go to get groceries. I often buy a grilled chicken and I cook rice with my rice boiler. It takes minimum effort. Also my mother brings me food sometimes.
I sleep a lot. 12½ hours straight. I look tired, but I do suffer from sleep apnea. I don’t receive treatment for it because I don’t see the point. Meds make me lethargic anyways. I’ll be tired even if I get the breathing device (CPAP).
I hate the fact that I can’t work. I wish I could! I feel like a parasite living off disability. And everyone knows. My neighbors say I’m insane, that there is something wrong with me, that I don’t work.
Pre Sz: introverted/shy/physically and socially awkward/quite asocial
Sz: introverted/very socially anxious/physically and socially awkward/quite asocial/ prone to paranoia