How do you learn to love and accept yourself? I’ve had this disorder for years and I still struggle loving myself when I can’t present a consistent picture of myself to the outside world and have issues completing creative projects. Time has passed but I still grieve for who I could’ve been. How do I love who I am right now? Anyone else struggle with this?
I struggle with that but dont know how to not. I blame the sz and not myself, that helps me not become depressed and suicidal.
Every project you complete, is one completed by you after sz. Keep reminding yourself that you did those projects, or any other goal or feat you felt you couldn’t do, but then was able to do so.
We all have our differences and we are all Beautiful.
Self love starts with self care. Eat well, exercise when you can, bathe, positive self-talk, etc. If you grieve for who you could’ve been, be grateful for the things in your life today; could be a home to live in, caring parents, a friend, health, a working car, efficient meds, sobriety, etc.
I struggle with self image quite a bit. But I don’t grieve my past self or neglect self care.
I struggle with self love because I feel shitty 24:7
A big part about loving yourself is accepting.
Accepting yourself, your situation, your illness, your family, your looks, your moods etc etc
Self love is hard when I struggle with motivation.
Its like how can I love myself when I lack motivation.
Baby steps.
I always remember someone telling me about a huge pile of sticks. You can’t snap them all in half in one go. But if you snap them individually, you will get there,eventually.
Unless my arms fall off or something.
Hopefully that won’t happen.
self love is hard yea. i feel negative about myself a lot but it’s better than it used to be though. I dunno how you change it. Maybe try to appreciate the small things that happen in your life and not dwell too much on the negatives.
Read the war of art if you have problems completing creative projects, it’s a game changer
I think a lot of self love is connected with self respect. You have to do things that are good for you and avoid things that are bad for you. It’s often about making the right choice in the present.
As a small example if you drink coffeine in the evening because you want it right there on the spot but you know it will ruin your sleep you are making a bad choice for yourself. Or if you keep smoking even though you have lung problems you are satisfying you immediate want, but neglecting your long term life.
You also need to accept that things that are out of your control is not part of the equation. If you have to take ap’s, you can’t measure yourself against those who are not. You have to be kind to yourself in the regard that you accept that you have a illiness that sets limitations on your life and that this is not something you can do anything about. Focus on things that are within your control and make good decisions.
Also I find it helps to always remember that you are not alone in this. There are millions of people out there that are struggling with more or less the same thing you are.
You gotta not underestimate your life’s difficulties too
I don’t think anything external can create self-love. Thus how other people feel about you, or what you have accomplished or not, is irrelevant. You can be standing in a group of 1,000 people and still feel lonely.
You need to be kind and compassionate to yourself; you need to be your own best friend. And, no, it’s not selfish to feel this way. In fact, I don’t think it’s possible to love someone else if you don’t love yourself.
You deserve no less.
My therapist is worried about me,she says I don’t love myself and she is right.
Lately I did stupid things that I am ashamed to tell in the forum.
Right now I am without self steem
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