Stopped taking my Abilify and Lexapro for a few days so far

Stopped taking my Abilify and Lexapro for a few days why you may ask well I have more than several reasons why one my Abilify is causing my weight to constantly fluctuate from 3 to sometimes 5 pounds up and down constantly can never get a good steady reading and its frustrating and I hate it 2 maybe causing my shortness of breathe and 3 I take so many meds as it is now Im totally overwhelmed with medication and it makes me sleep alot like 12 to 15 hours also could be the low iron as well and my sleep apnea But I may have to later on go back on Abilify and Lexapro because of the mania I am starting to get this may or may not work out for long being off my psych meds only I take all my others meds everyday just dont like the weight flunctuations really sucks I cant balance my weight out or lose anymore weight Im kinda stuck at the same weight have been for at least 5 years now just cant lose anymore I thought cutting my abilify would help me shed pounds and it hasnt helped any I even stopped weighing myself everyday its pointless to so since my weight is about the same all the time going to start weighing in just once a week

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It could be the abilify. I know when I was on high dose abilify it would cause panic attacks and seizures etc.

It wasn’t until I lowered the dose that it helped.

I think they overdose us with these meds. If you feel better lowering the dose and feel better long term then that’s a positive.

Be careful not to slip into psychosis though

Best wishes to you

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I forgot to say that I also have risperidone consta injections every 2 weeks, but I take a tiny amount like 0.3 mg of abilify about once a month to balance me out. It helps my breathing problems that risperidone causes.

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Yeah, I agree I am tired of being a guinea pig you know if one pill doesn’t work try something else etc. it is overwhelming for me, I take a lot of pills as it is 4 vitamin c gummies now every morning with my Iron pill at the same time heard it helps with Absorbtion of the Iron pill well see if it actually does when i have labs next month. Abilify may also be causing my shortness of breath I don’t know I read somewhere it could be a possible side effect have to recheck online for that info. Or it could be the metformin I take also a possibility causing the shortness of breath and my low iron as well it’s a combo of things I believe to blame for it. and being overweight doesn’t help matters if I could lose weight I would most definitely and keep it off.

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I stopped Lexapro (i call it Cipralex) on the 4th of this month. So far so good :grin:

Stopping Olanzapine in the next 1 to 2 months.

Oh. I understand that you want to get rid of the meds that affect your weight that badly. But Watch out for any sign of relapse. I cross my fingers for that youll succed. At the same time I hope that youll cross fingers for that Ill succed in get lowered my pills. Ive started deprescriping from to day.
But I do understand that weight gain can be this hard to live with so that you need to deprescibe.
I just want to say that I`m on your side what ever you decide to do to your problem.

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yes, I do weight gain has had a bad effect on my health I am on 5’4 I think may have shrunk to 5’3 and yeah, it’s hard on my body to keep going up and down on my weight its constantly fluctuating. It never stays the same really normal fluctuation is to be expected but not constant fluctuation its crazy I stopped weighing myself so much it has become an obsession so once a week weigh in is the route I am taking and the way to go instead of every day Like I had been doing

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