Starting a new chapter in my life!

So I officially got into Barber college! I start in 2 weeks! I’m so excited this is something I’ve wanted to do. It’s a new beginning for me!


I hope it goes well for you.

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Thanks @TheCanuk @Leaf it’s the start of the rest of my life!


You have a good attitude about it and a good attitude will get you far in this world. Congrats on getting accepted, good luck and have fun.


@77nick77 thank you! I really appreciate those kind supporting words!

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Sweet! Hope you enjoy it. Good luck to you. Take care.


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Thanks @ThePickinSkunk long time no talk how you been?

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I’ve been feeling better than I felt in years during this time of year. Otherwise I am still into my hobbies and stuff. Thanks for asking. Please let us know how school goes for you.


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Well done. Hope it all goes well. Very cool.


Good news! Congrats!

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congrtulations wish u the best.

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Thank you! @laros @rogueone @FatMama


I’m excited for you so cool :slightly_smiling_face:

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Good for you! Congratulations!

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@SkinnyMe @anon80629714 thank you!!!


That is awesome to hear, @Longhorn21.

You’re going to do great! :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Montezuma haven’t heard from you in a while how you been?

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You welcome :slight_smile:

I am well these days, thank you for asking. I’m gaining a lot of weight, probably due to eating at night a lot. But I’m not sweating it haha.

And I’ve gotten into collecting Star Wars memorabilia.

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Hey just do what makes you happy! Star Wars is cool!

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