So I officially got into Barber college! I start in 2 weeks! I’m so excited this is something I’ve wanted to do. It’s a new beginning for me!
I hope it goes well for you.
You have a good attitude about it and a good attitude will get you far in this world. Congrats on getting accepted, good luck and have fun.
@77nick77 thank you! I really appreciate those kind supporting words!
Sweet! Hope you enjoy it. Good luck to you. Take care.
Thanks @ThePickinSkunk long time no talk how you been?
I’ve been feeling better than I felt in years during this time of year. Otherwise I am still into my hobbies and stuff. Thanks for asking. Please let us know how school goes for you.
Well done. Hope it all goes well. Very cool.
Good news! Congrats!
congrtulations wish u the best.
I’m excited for you so cool
Good for you! Congratulations!
@SkinnyMe @anon80629714 thank you!!!
Thanks @Montezuma haven’t heard from you in a while how you been?
You welcome
I am well these days, thank you for asking. I’m gaining a lot of weight, probably due to eating at night a lot. But I’m not sweating it haha.
And I’ve gotten into collecting Star Wars memorabilia.
Hey just do what makes you happy! Star Wars is cool!