Super nervous. Tempted to take extra clonazapam.
You got this!
You’ll be fine !
You’ve got this @Aimingatremission!
Good luck! 151515
Keep that extra clonazepam close by just so you know it’s there if it gets tough. 90% of the time at work just knowing I have it if I need it is all I need to get through it. You got this!
Good luck !!! And all the best
Thanks everyone!! Just a ton of policy stuff on the computer so far. Mandatory 1 hour lunch break right now.
Awesome Congratulations on your first day
Good luck
You’ll do good.
Good luck and try to enjoy it. That’s positive mind set
Good luck! Glad you just had paperwork etc to start with. That makes it a little easier.
Yea, the store seems to be a wasteland at night too so the job should be doable without needing to depend on benzos too much
Good luck, no worries, it will go well
I’m glad it sounds like it won’t be too hard
Best wishes to you on this new endeavor. Everything in its right place.
It sounds like everything went well. I hope so. Congratulations on the new job!
good luck with the new job =) i hope it will go really well for you!
Hey everyone thanks for all the support! Last night went fine but it was mostly reading and quizzes about the ins and outs of the job. Just a lot of computer work. Tonight I’ll actually be working. I did take some extra clonazapam. Tonight I’m gonna try to do without it. Maybe just keep an extra in the car. Again thank you so much guys!!