Stand up comedians

Maybe I’m odd but I don’t get the humour a lot of the time.


I also do not get it most of the time. I think you got to have a bunch of knowledge about politics, news, etc to get what they are trying to joke about. Also my concentration is not that good.

It’s happened in the past. But considering my own sense of humor I’m not really in the position to criticize the humor of anyone else, lol.

There are a few that are really funny. I just watched some old George Carlin yesterday.


most of the stuff my family/cousins/partner find funny - does not seem funny to me unless I am psychotic.
so it just depends on your sense of humour. I don’t like the funny comedies - they don’t make me laugh while millions of people love them.

I think Russel peters is funny and I like seinfeld too.

I have to admit that Carlin was great. However, Steven Wright wasn’t bad, either:


I liked Dave Chappelle. His show the Chappelle show was pretty good.

I liked the “Black White Supremacist” skit.


I think stand up’s great because it’s such straight forward comedy. I relax more when I see it compared to other entertainment. My favs are Carlin, Patrice O’Neal, Bill Hicks, Louis CK, and Bill Burr.

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That show was incredibly consistent. My fav skit is the one where he’s a juror for all those famous black people court cases. The Real World one was awesome too hehe.

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@Orion11 I was hoping someone would mention Bill Burr! He is freaking hilarious, without a doubt my favorite stand-up. I also like Aziz Ansari. Otherwise I’m not a big fan of stand-up comedy; too many comedians just make random observations, rather than tell funny stories and such, like Burr and Ansari do.

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That’s one of my favorites from Chappelle’s Show, though my absolute favorite from that show was the sketch about the white family with the unusual last name, I’ll just leave it at that lol.

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I like fluffy…red foxx…Dave chappel …George burns …that British guy who did most of his early work in drag… Eddie izzard that’s him. Listening to liam nelson make jokes was hilarious… I also like listening to…crap…hes big into ufc…called out the fake Mexican guy for stealing jokes…I can’t recall them all…but I enjoy stand up…my friends blind kid does stand up and is very gifted in music…we swapped jokes he is hilarious…

Those were great too!

Fif, F I F, fif!


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Did you ever see that time he spent the last like 15 minutes of his standup to go on a huge roast of the city of Philadelphia because of incessant hecklers? Holy cow, so good.

@metime no, that was the law and order parody episode. I’m talking about the one where in one part it’s about him needing more evidence that R. Kelly did his crime.

I heard part of that standup in Philly, when he was handling the hecklers, funny stuff.

Have you seen Patrice O’Neal’s standup? He reminds me a little of Burr. Similar types of jokes, but different kind of delivery. He was also funny as hell on the Opie and Anthony Show.

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My boyfriend is the same, he doesn’t get stand-up comedy at all. I find it hard to understand why, because he can actually be very funny, but if I make a joke I often have to explain it to him. He enjoys humorous tv programmes such as Peep Show and The League of Gentlemen, but doesn’t get stand up comedy at all. I honestly don’t understand why this is, but you’re not alone in this.

Oh okay. I can’t watch any videos, because I don’t have cable internet, just a wifi hotspot. :frowning:

I’ve heard of Patrice O’Neal, but have never seen his standup. Actually, from the name I always assumed that was a female lol.

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