Does anyone get as if the somgs we listen to are trying to brainwash and implant memories or give you tasks to complete even if a sick nature ?
I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Have you spoken to a doctor about this? Are you on medication?
Doctors think I’m crazy if I tell them these things. I’m on a low does of quetiapine (150mg) which is only to aid sleep doesn’t really do much for anything else I suppose but they are all trying to just push me into a category for my diagnosis they don’t take it serious enough they just think it’s because I’m a teenager
You are suffering from a delusion and perhaps maybe some hallucination if you’re mishearing lyrics if you are getting messages from the music, which is what the doctors are there for.
When I was a teenager I tried to kill myself. Psychiatrists said that I am just a teenager. Even back then (14 years ago) they should have taken me seriously. Last year I FINALLY found the right psychiatrist (been to probably 30 - both in Canada and Bulgaria). She diagnosed me SZ last year. I am SO angry I didn’t find her before. She said it’s not my fault, it’s her colleagues’ fault that they didn’t do their jobs. When I was psychotic last year I went to see a psychiatrist moron WITH my pills aside asking if I should start them again - he said “no, you are sane, just keep contact with reality”. I even went to psychiatry where someone who works there said cynically to me “I wish someone could cure me” - because I was in shape, I was hot and smart and they thought AGAIN I am just a chick in need of attention. Oh, and another psychiatrist ALSO told me before all that that it’s safe to quit abilify. Even writing this makes me angry. If I met my TRUE psychiatrist earlier there wouldn’t have been a 5 month psychosis, I wouldn’t have cut my hair, I wouldn’t have had a thrombus in my leg, I wouldn’t have gained 50lbs…Nope. I am no longer hot.
In short - THERE IS problem with you - look for help until you find it or things can get worse!
Oh, and my 1st psychosis 5 years ago I thought all media were speaking to me - music, TV even posters on the street
By the way, how old are you? I started having my first delusions as a very young child, but the major, lasting ones didn’t kick in until about 12 or so.
I’m sorry you did not find it sooner, I still search for mine… In 22 I have a doctor appointment with a pdoc from another town, I heard good things about him
somebody, I hope you find the right doctor! I feel this is almost as hard as finding a right partner lol
Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to write that, I’m sorry that it took so long for you find help. Kinda had the same issues when I was 14 I was just opening up about the sexual abuse that had happened in my earlier life and made me suicidal and I tried 2 times but failed pretty sure around about 15 I started hearing things and reading messages sent through tactile media I just thought it was the norm, 16 now and they say I’m just an anxious teen that it’s just a phase which is supposedly right because I mean i don’t deserve to complain about something so serious. Body image is such a complex subject and I think it completely absorbs people and it’s quite hard almost impossible to not be obsessed with it becuase of media but just because you gained some weight does not mean you aren’t hot.
Hope it goes well… @Rcundy1 I used to have Delusion’s and thinks that movies are made for me and the music is talking to mine, also that other people control my mind and thoughts. I did not realise I was sick at first and thought that god has a plan for me and j will save mankind… I know its hard to accept that you have delusions, try and listen to your doc. Keep me in touch, hope you get better
@somebody will try but trying to disclose something to doctors when you are perceived as nothing to them can be quite hard. If you don’t mind me asking what got you through it ? Thank you for responding
Does your family/ friends find you different? This is a good cue if something is really wrong with you. My brother lives in Vienna and he found through friends my doctor here in Bulgaria. He talked to her about my behavior as I was delusional and in emergency for my leg.
I hope too, BTW your super hot from your profile picture, your have the most beautiful lips and I’m sure your voice is so sexy. Sory if I make you feel uncomfortable
Yes. I wish my family had done something when I had a complete personality switch between childhood and teenage years.
I asked a nurse if he heard the voices, he said simply no… Then I realised I was sick and need treatment ASAP. I listen to the doctors and take the pills, also therapy was very beneficial.
@VanGogh Family decided to get me out into a house of some sort then went through an organisation called camhs then after that put me in a team called STEP who deal with psychosis I don’t tell them anything but that’s because I think they are against me just another entity out to kill me plus the voices hate me opening up
@ZombiePupper Yeah I guess I can kinda feel the same I rememeber when I saw light in the world and not feeling watched wherever I go but life’s a bitch I suppose
I’m on some meds now but it’s too low a dose to actually effect anything except sleep and I don’t think I can go up to a higher dose because I need education and it makes it harder to wake up
I don’t really remember my pre-SZ days, so be grateful for that.
I’m sorry I guess I should be more grateful about things, have a good day