Looks like a great spot. Nice looking pictures.
Why thank you graybear🙂
Very pretty! I need to do more hiking.
Nice pictures! 1515115
Loving it. You on Instagram @anon61987434?
Heck yeah,
Do it for the gram.
Will PM you my 'gram.
Wow! They’re amazing!!!
Thanks for the offer😎 @shutterbug
But I have too much personal life/family stuff on my IG that I don’t think I’d feel comfortable having people off this forum on there… nothing personal or anything of coarse
Thank youuuuuu😄
May I ask where you are?
Looks absolutely amazing this place! And your photos.
The Pacific Northwest! USA
Thanks Mae🥰
Not a problem. I have to be careful not to post too many photos here and run up @szadmin’s bill. I’m rather prolific as photographers go. Just easier to share a link.
Totally understandable lol
You do nice work. I’d recommend starting as second, anonymous account that is separated from family stuff. I think you’d enjoy networking with other photographers like yourself.
Nice photos @anon61987434!