Some families are closer than others

I haven’t seen my brother and sister since I moved here nearly 26 months ago. My brother does email fairly regularly. My sister is on Facebook and replies very occasionally to a post I’ve made .

Both know I have difficulties travelling.

Sorry man. None of my family have even met my son yet. I really miss them, but also feel a bit hurt that they aren’t making the effort.

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I don’t speak to my uncle and his family, he has his own mental health issues that he refuses to acknowledge or get help with.

It’s sad but sometimes family drifts apart and we can’t have the same relationship we once had.

Even when I lived nearer to them ie Essex(me) London (them) visits weren’t that frequent . My brother would visit every couple of months. My sister about once a year.

The standard with my sister and one or both of my nieces was to go round TK max or another shop selling clothes .

My nieces are 22 and 25 and I’ve seen them infrequently. The youngest was a FB friend for a while but defriended me . I’m actually much closer to my stepdaughter’s daughters .

I’m not close with most of my family. They ignore me. Your lucky to be close with your family.

Starting several years ago I started turning down invitations from my family to go to movies or out to eat or other fun things. So after a long while the invites just dried up and they do stuff without me. It was my choice and I made the wrong choice or I would be going out two or three times a week. Occasionally I get invited to events at holidays or trips up to see my step-parents but now me and my sisters have dinner once a week and that’s usually the only time I see them.

My family like me. At least my mother and father. I don’t ring them that much. They get desperate for me to talk to them after a few days. I think they respect what I have to say.

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