So I am once again employed

It has happened, finally.

After many tribulations I’ve managed to secure a part time job. 30 hrs/week, doing the only thing I am moderately good at, software developer.
I need frequent cigarette breaks and I use deep breathing and I listen to chillout music whenever stress threatens to disrupt my focus and drive. It’s not easy, but I manage so far.
Two weeks into the new adventure, everyone around looks happy for me, which strenghtens my motivation a little bit.
Will I be able to hold the field? And for how long?
We’ll live and see.


Congratulations. Well done! :slight_smile:

30 hours a week is pretty much too. Glad to hear you can take it.

I hope it keeps working for you. Good that you use some tecniques to handle the stress.


Congratulations! It’s a good sign you survived the first 2 weeks. You’ve got this.


Congratulations! Good for you.


Wow, good going @Andrey . Best of luck with it all.

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This is awesome news @Andrey!
Good for you

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that is great =) congratulations!

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Congratulations :grin:

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Congrats @Andrey!

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Congrats to you! 30 Hours a week is pretty much. Hope you can handle the stress to make this job last long!

May I ask what APs do you take daily?

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I take abilify and prozac. In the past 6 months I never skipped a day for the ap, and only 3-4 days for the ad.


Congrats on the new job. Hope you can last at it.

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Congratulations :balloon:

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Good for you. :bear::bear::bear:

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Congratulations! I’m impressed

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You seem like a competent fellow, I believe you can pull it off.

Sending good vibes.


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Super awesome well done !

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thats great congratulations

hope it works for you

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Congrats! I’m also in tech. Honestly, getting a job was the best thing to happen to my mental health in a long time.


good job mate !