So got a gift today - cookies!

My neighbour has a pup. I let him out during the day for comfort breaks. I also give him his lunch.

When I went over today my neighbour had left cookies with a lovely thank you note.

She totally didn’t need to but it is always nice to be appreciated


That’s very thoughtful of her. Does she pay you?

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She offered but I declined. It only takes me 15 minutes three times a day. Another lady walks the dog twice a day too.

My neighbour often hosts meals for me and her other friends so the cost probably works out even


Oh ok. So you’re volunteering. Cool :). That’s very kind of you

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Yeah she is a great neighbour who I can talk to about anything. She is like an agony aunt


That’s awesome :slight_smile:

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Very cool Jim, its good having atleast one nice neighbour to talk to, a lot of people keep to themselves these day, my neighbour is nice as well, we go out for coffee and things and text each other a bit too, its nice.

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That’s very nice @anon94176359. Glad you have such a cool friend.

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