I got hit hard, had to shovel omg it was alot of snow. Did you area get it hard from the snow storm.
I live in the same State as you @oe1489
I got hit hard too.
lol maybe some peed there lol.
yea did you have to shovel.
I’m too old to shovel but I’ll do my front steps at some point.
okay i understand. yea its hard to shovel. cool
no snow here =D it was sunny today. I went for walk with my dad.
cool lucky you, its all white my area.
hehe yea, lucky me =D
It’s been ages since we had any snow here.
if you dont mind what state do you live in.
I don’t mind =) I’m living in the north of Belgium. Not in the USA. Where are you living?
o cool okay, i live new jersey usa, we got hit really hard.
do you have a lot of snow every year?
last year we didnt get any snow at all. it depends.
It’s kinda sleeting here. Just got done feeding the animals. I’ve been to Jersey once in my life and NYC. Was a fun trip.
got a little snow yesterday, but it’s all melted now
There’s snow on the ground here.
What Mr. Star does, when it is powdery show, is just use the leaf blower.
I shoveled a bit but it was heavy wet snow.
Not going further.