Smokin` hot: adolescent smoking and the risk of psychosis


i guess i need to stop smoking haha

This is interesting. I wonder, though, if it’s a case of correlation being mistaken for causality. Nicotine is widely reported to be used as a way to cope with negative symptoms. Negatives tend to show up before positives, so I wonder if it’s simply a case of teenagers smoking to try to fight their prodromal negative symptoms, which later progress into full-blown psychosis. Either way, it’s obviously bad to smoke, for a while host of reasons.


I think @firemonkey posted an article about a similar study (maybe even the same study) and it had some analysis I thought was good. They considered the possibility 1. Smoking causes schizophrenia. 2. Schizophrenia causes smoking. 3. The genetic and environmental risk factors for schizophrenia and smoking overlap.

But it’s probably fair to say smoking is as bad for your brain as it is for all your other parts.


I think they’ve found some info to support 3.

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