Here is a Link That Arises The Questions About Where to Find The Truth in a Digital Age of Propaganda And Uses Upon The Innocent to Acquire Endless Parades of Dollars, Cents, Dollars And Cents, And More Dollars And Cents… . …
Fact~ ‘A Thing That is Known or Proved to Be True’.
Now With All of That in Mind…,
Ask Yrself Thus…,
What is a Fact (???)…,
What is Reality (???)…,
If You Are Swimming in a River With Fellow Human Beings, And Some Man Eating Creatures Swim to Eat Everyone in The Current, And Everyone But You Gets Picked as a New Exclusive Tasty Lunch.
Fact is, You Won’t Feel Any Pain…,
Fact is Also, That Everyone Else Will…,
So. One Could Say The Reality, At Least Your Reality, is That Pain Doesn’t Exist…,
But The Lunchtime Snacks Would Disagree…,
Wholeheartedly I Would Assume…,
So The Question Arrives Once Again…,
What is Truth (???)…,
Is it a Lie That Pain Doesn’t Exist (???)…,
Or is That Jus Your indifference Speaking…,
I Mean The River is Quite Warm on Such a Beautifully Sunny Summer Day… . …