Since I have to take latuda at night

Since I have to take latuda at night before I go to bed. You need at least 350 calories to take it. My partner had the idea to get nutritional shakes that equal 350 calories. I personally don’t know if it will work.


If you can get a protein drink that’s low in sugar that would be great. If it’s derived from milk, like whey, it’ll coat your stomach too.


I had to take it before and I was told it had to be solid food otherwise it flushes out of your system

It’s a bit of a pain.

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I take 350 calorie ensure shakes with it every night and haven’t had any problems, a lot more convenient then taking it with food.

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I eat good solid food at dinner and as soon as I finish I take the latuda. It works fine.i almost gave up latuda but I’m glad I didn’t.


It doesn’t make me sleepy, so I have a late dinner and take it then.


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