Silver Linings Playbook

I saw this movie last night. I loved it.

The movie starts while the guy is just getting out of the psych ward and his mom is picking him up.
The actor was amazing. I loved it.

His wife cheated on him and he caught them, that is how the story starts. If you have not seen it, you should, because it is lovely.

Jennifer Lawrence is in it and it is the first time I saw her in a movie. She has a very distinctive beauty about her. She is very cute and a great actress.

You should see the movie :slight_smile:


No focus to watch the movies…


I saw this film just a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it, I thought the acting was brilliant and it was a great story.

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I love that movie! The main character is supposed to be bipolar.

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Yeah I liked it. Interesting view of bipolar but accurate enough I suppose. It was enjoyable. Dance scene classic.

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Good movie, yes. I liked it too. It shows good the mi too i found. Jen Lawrence is quite cute there, that’s true :slight_smile:
take care selene

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I liked the movie.
Kind of wished the main character had Schizophrenia instead of bipolar.
Now that would of been something.
Too many MI movies are about bipolar.
In some circles it’s fashionable.
Especially among the Hollywood Elite.

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Try the book, as good as the movie was the book is better😁

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I started reading the book, never finished it.

What I read was really good though. I remember it being kinda funny and sad at the same time.

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Seen the movie. Worth a watch. Nothing special really though and nothing I haven’t lived.

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I love that movie @mermaid1 and I take Bradley Coopers character as an inspiration for optimism in the face of mental illness

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I LOVE THAT MOVIE. I have it on DVD.

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