Should people diagnosed with schizophrenia be allowed to own or have access to firearms?

I’ve given this topic a lot of thought, and continue to ponder that question every time a mass-shooting occurs. I don’t think guns are any more safer than in the hands of a regular civilian. Taking in all the “police shootings” though I’ve wavered on that. Many innocent people have been killed because police brutality. Some of them mentally ill, others simply racially profiled. I get more and more uneasy when they talk about how police during a shooting simply didn’t have audio,or their full body camera running, it really makes them seem like they have something to hide.

Guns are a danger no matter who is behind the trigger. And there are so many people out there who own guns and who are responsible with them. Then again there’s also so many people out there with guns illegally and not responsible with them. And yet again there are so many people out there with guns legally and still not totally responsible with them…and not just mentally ill people.

I really do not know what I believe any more. I do think people have the right to defend themselves, from anyone. But with a deadly weapon like with Guns, you have to be extra responsible with them. If a person is showing violent or suicidal tendencies then no, they should not be allowed to have access to them. But the problem with that is like with me, sometimes I have some suicidal thoughts…but not all the time. I have had in the past been unable to determine the line between what was in my head, and what was really going on. But right now I feel I have a clear mind. I’m not suicidal. Of course, also I don’t want a gun either. Not because I’m worried I can’t handle it, I just have no desire for one.

But say your Schizophrenic and before your episodes, you enjoyed hunting…but you have a psychotic episode…but you come out of that episode eventually. Should you give up your passion for hunting?

To be honest if your Schizophrenic,you’re psychotic and you have anything sharp or dangerous at your disposal you’ be just as dangerous as someone with or without a gun…So what should we all be locked up in a padded room for the rest of our lives simply because we have had episodes in our past?

I own a firearm, but I gave it to my dad after my psychotic break. He has it locked away. I think it’s for the best…

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Oh ok yeah I gotcha… I don’t even pay attention to the Parkland kids …I ignored them…That was a publicity stunt::: sad situation but bad things happen, very often… they should start with taking them guns out of their video games first.: I bet they won’t like that ■■■■ … did anyone notice that there were hardly any black Parkland kids ? ■■■■ seemed strange to me and that poor kid he was def ■■■■■■ up… He needed help

You realize, you’re much more likely to accidentally shoot someone you know than a bonafide intruder.


I had access to a couple of guns for over a decade when we lived on the farm. Only ever shot coyotes and gophers, plus one skunk that we couldn’t trap and relocate. Felt horrible every time I had to plunk a varmint. Currently own five bows, haven’t ever shot anything but targets with them. No interest in hunting and killing animals, let alone people. I don’t understand how people take joy in killing because I sure can’t.

Nope, not even sane people should. :slight_smile:

I do not agree :::: that sounds like total ■■■■■■■■.:: especially not in my house… none of my people are Gonne break in my house crazy and deranged wanting to kill me::: that was pretty close to the most stupidest… Nevermind… But if I do they will be one dead :skull: ■■■■■■■■■■■■ .:

It’s ok no one answer my question .:

Fortunately many people in the US do take the Parkland students seriously, myself included. I hope the Parkland students and other intelligent young people like them can make a positive difference by speaking out and also by voting once they’re of voting age.


Did “You realize, you’re much more likely to accidentally shoot someone you know than a binofixe gopher, coyote or skunk ?”

This topic is getting a bit too heated so I’m shutting it down.