idk whether to wash my hair or not, it needs cut but i like it like this just now.
i just wanted to know if it was ok to not wash my hair every day?
i heard that our natural oils are good for our hair but my friend alison says it is just greasy
idk whether to wash my hair or not, it needs cut but i like it like this just now.
i just wanted to know if it was ok to not wash my hair every day?
i heard that our natural oils are good for our hair but my friend alison says it is just greasy
Have you put some type of oil in your hair?
no, i’m talking about oils in our skin and hair that we produce ourselves
I recently cut back to three showers a week. I do feel a little greasy at times, but I’ll get used to it. I sometimes wonder if it is good for your hair to strip all the oils from it every day in the shower.
i dont shower much, i shower about less than once a week
A good rule of thumb would be to wash your hair every other day and to shower at least a couple of times a week. I require my teenagers to shower at least three times a week. Some people sweat a lot and need to shower every day.
My mum showers twice a day but only uses shampoo once a day. I am pretty much opposite to her - about 1 shower a week.
I usually shower and wash my hair once a day.
Hair and skin don’t need to be washed as much as people seem to think. Showering every other day and washing hair every three days or so is good for maintaining natural oils. Some people are very oily though and you would need to judge for yourself. Also, if you’re exercising and sweating a lot, that needs to be washed off… But stripping your hair and skin so that they never have natural oil is bad…
Interesting thing - I used
If your friend says it looks greasy, maybe it’s time to wash it more.
Use hot water, add shampoo, massage gently including the scalp, then rinse in cold water.
Some on this planet have no natural oils in the skin and scalp and have to add oil to keep the skin soft and supple, others have too much oil-and then the dirt sticks, creating a greasy,grubby look= ick.
Never mind…
I shower every other day now and I wash my hair with selsun blue. The shampoo helped more than any method or thing I tried before. When I go to get a haircut the people started to say how nice my hair is.
according to my cousin who is a hairstylist and the daughter of a hygienist the best way to do bodily hygene is to shower 3-4 times a week, but only use soap 2 times a week, unless you sweat a lot, and then to only soap the ‘high traffic’ areas, armpits groin ect.
As for hair, RINSE every time you shower but only use a soap ad conditioner once a week, instead use a natural ‘neutralizing oil’ to remove dirt and keep hair looking shiny. Soaping up your hair 2-4 times a week leads to split ends, ‘frizz’ and in some cases hair loss because the hair dries out too much and dies.
I have to every day becauser my scalp is so oily.I still like to look my best when I go out.
i ended up washing my hair, it was getting itchy, thats when i know i really should wash it is when it gets iitchy
Twice a week is a good goal.