Should I tell?

This weekend, Friday to be exact, I took a dose of about twenty klonopin 1mg. I fell asleep assuming I would never wake up. I came to after a long period of time, vomit all over me. Heads till fuzzy but slowly getting clearer. Should I tell my therapist what I did? He called the police on me for another attempt two months ago. I told him then I would never trust him to tell him again how I was feeling? What do you think?

I’d do some self investigating. Like, why did you do it?

I guess I don’t understand the first incident well enough. Was it an attempt in progress that led him to call the police - did you call your therapist and say, This is what I’ve done? If that’s the case, then while I understand why you’re feeling betrayed, I don’t know that your therapist had any choice but to alert authorities.

If, on the other hand, you had a failed attempt and talked to your therapist after the fact, and your therapist alerted the police when your life was not in immediate danger, then I’m confused. The only case I can think of where that makes sense to me is if your plans involved endangering others, or if you told him of another imminent plan. Your therapist has a responsibility to safeguard your physical safety and that of others that supercedes your right to privacy.

Can you shed more light on this for me?

You should be admitting yourself to the Hospital, You seem to be suicidal.

Tell your pdoc and therapist, but I would consider this as an Emergency!

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I am feeling hopeless. Was denied SSDI on my final appeal. Very broke. Very isolated.

I sent him a goodbye letter. He tried to reach me by phone but was calling an old number. After an hour of not getting a hold of me he called the police.

Yeah. Somebody doesn’t care until it gets to you enough so you don’t care. I’ve been there. I would tell your therapist. You are not getting what you need.

I think that was the right thing for him to do. I would feel betrayed in your place, too, but as a disinterested outsider, I don’t think your therapist had any other option.

And I think you should tell him about this weekend, too. Try to understand that he’s trying to take the best care of you he can, and get you the help you need, even if it’s not the help you want. Wave is right - I think you need to talk to your doctor, and if you feel like you might do this again, you should go to the emergency room. You have a life-threatening illness.

hugs Please let your doctor care for you, if you aren’t able to do so yourself.

i will give you some advise. you should not worry about what your counselor is going to say. you should be looking at why you did what you did. there is a reason behind what you did. if it you did not want to live or.(dont get mad) you wanted some attention cause if you wanted that thats not how to go about it. you need to think like this is your life so bad you wanted to do that. cause look iam 25years old. and i have cut my arm slit wrist everything you can think of. there is people worse off then us. their are people who dont have arms or legs. blind. in a wheel chair. think before you act next time alright?

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Definitely tell your therapist, and if you feel like you might try again, definitely check yourself into the hospital. That’s what it’s there for. I’m sorry you are having such a rough time. Know someone cares.

Oh man, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. Your life is the most important thing here, you should tell your therapist and work with him on getting better.

I can identify with the hopeless and isolated feeling and though I have never tried to commit suicide, I have recently thought about it. In other words, I can relate. I don’t know your situation, but I hope things get better for you and you are able to find some peace and comfort in your life.

Go to Emergency, @orange

Explain what happened to a professional doctor and get the help you desperately need.

Please do this for yourself and for those around you who love you very much.

I went in and talked to the pdoc and the Tdoc. The pdoc is arranging for me to go into partial hospitalization .


I hope it helps you. Good luck.

Good luck @orange

oh,orange,its sad… ive tried once suicide but it was too painfull. it s hard to die like this…have luck with the hospitalization, i am quite down since years also. kisses man :wink: