Just toying with the idea since “bad” is already taken.
I’m not sure @77nick77 . Is good77nick77 appropriate? If you want to be in the cool kids gang you might want to go with Nefarious_nick77 or something.
Watch out, I’ll do it.
I won’t be able to recognise you @77nick77
I apologise @anon4362788
It’s ok, @bobbilly . I apologize, too.
thank you for not banning me.
No worries. Was just a disagreement. Not ban worthy.
How about “nogoodnick” like Boris and Natasha
Well, it does have a certain ring to it.
Naughty Nick! Stole all the 7’s
I like your forum name @77nick77
I find it hard with changing things.
How about old saint nick just for the Christmas holidays
How about notgood77nick77?
NastyNick. That’s my vote. Make his tagline, “I’m a naughty girl.”
How about BadNick666, like the big man downstairs?
Can’t use "Bad"Nick – changing your screen name to something with bad in front of it was already taken. That’s why he was thinking of doing the opposite, and going with “good”.
Saint Nick at this time of year, surely!