Short people live longer

I needed that. I had a hard time feeling small.


I think it has something to do with lower metabolism.

That could be. Our whole family was short.

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Yeah, it’s only because they are so short that they’re further away from most causes of death.

(or something like that. IDK.).

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What cause of death is just overhead? A taller person? David and Goliath.

Well, how many short people do you know who absent-mindedly walked too close to an airplane and got chopped into a thousand pieces by the propeller? I could name ten tall people just off the top of my head.

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Off the top of their heads. Actually off the whole head.

This is assuming you were joking.

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LS! The Dutch are the tallest people on the planet, but they do have a normal life expectancy. I am 1.80 meters myself.

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Yoiks!! I’m doomed!! :rofl:

I think it has something to do with growth hormone. And cancer.

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Yoiks haha

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Im Fcked then lol. Im 6 foot 6.

Me too (6’4")

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Taller= higher IQ
Higher IQ = live longer
Shorter = live longer


Also because their hearts don’t have to work as hard to pump blood throughout their bodies. I think smaller people in general live longer.


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