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Do you have the s health on your phone?
It tracks your steps and 10,000 a day is the goal. Just doing day to day things I get like 7000 steps but on exercise days I exceed it.

Here you go pob.

No, I have never heard of that. But Iā€™ll definitely check it out! I think it would be cool to be able to track things like that.

Thanks for the suggestion, LWD!



Thanks, Nick. Some things to ā€˜ponderā€™ when I have more time. Right now Iā€™m just rubbing them out. Makes me feel kind of badā€¦

5 miles in one dayā€¦ no wonder you look so young and trimā€¦

Good for you. I remember when you were posting that you were just getting out the door.

You have come a long way in a short amount of time.

Youā€™re progress makes me smile every time.

Thanks, J! Iā€™m feeling really blessed by this progress and being able to get outside and enjoy nature. Itā€™s improved my mood by like 1000%. Thereā€™s nothing like a natural sunshine buzz!



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time travel , well i will be honest i did not discover it, but, i was reading steven hawkins the very smart guy in the wheelchair ( now that is a very brave manā€¦hugs to mr. hawkins ) and he was talking about wormholesā€™ and they exist everywhere but they are so tiny, but if you could expand them you could time travelā€¦cool!
take care
p.s at the moment i am starting to build a space ship with warp speed capabilities !