Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test

Did you do Tests to know about STD’s ?

Several times.

You’ve got to be informed and protect yourself.


I don’t worry about it. I’ve been practicing abstinence since I was 5 years old.


Yeah I was worried so I did and it was fine


I did once when I first had sex with my gf, I freaked out because I was virgin and felt that I lost something important. I was 20.

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The test came back negative.

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I’ve never had one. I haven’t had sex in years though. Plus I was always a monogamous person

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I got drunk and went to the bar and picked up some girl. I used protection and woke up the next day sick. I was paranoid for a year my donger was going to fall off. I took 3 tests and yeah it was scary. Everything came back negative.


Years ago I got tested, never had a std and now on my own for years so no worries in that dept

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I also did STDs test because I thought I was Jesus and that my gf was sent on purpose to kill me with AIDS. That was before my diagnosis.

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Yes, when I was sexually active in the military I was frequently tested.

Thankfully I’ve never got anything, and always used protection.

Men of the forum: wear a condom!


I didn’t with my gf but it was over a year after I met her, she wanted to have kids and not take contraceptive pill, I told her no I don’t want kids I am only 21.

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No STD’s because I’ve always used protection.


No STDs here but I have been tested a whole bunch. In my state, STD screening is free for anyone below a certain income so I would get checked even though I hadn’t had any new partners. Just to be safe.


Yep blood ones. They came back fine. Hiv hepatitis syphilis etc.


Knowing my sister’s ex husband I told her she oughta get checked. She said she did and was fine. Me I haven’t had sex in almost a decade. And my ex was trustworthy so I presume I’m ok.


I’ve had like 5 partners in my whole life. Is that a lot?

How old are you? I think it’s normal

I think that’s perfectly healthy and normal.

I’ve had three my entire life, but the third one was more of just a fling.

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You can have consistently negative results on an STD panel and still have HPV, which is the most common STD in the US.

Millions of people have it.

Currently there is no HPV test for men, and women are only tested if they develop abnormal cells on the cervix as detected by a Pap smear.

Low-risk HPV strains cause warts, so it’s easier to detect, but most high-risk HPV strains (the cancer causing strains) don’t produce any symptoms at all.

The good news is there’s now a vaccine and young people are being inoculated. Hopefully the virus will be eradicated eventually, which would be good news for sure since it’s the cause of like 70% of all cervical cancers.