Sexual delusions

I’m looking for someone who has the same symptoms as myself to see if I really have schizophrenia.

For a long time I thought everyone at work was having sex in the workplace.
I was hearing people talking about sex at the workplace.
I thought my boss was God.
I had tinnitus and I thought it was because I didn’t do the work well.
I thought a friend of mine was having a hard time at her workplace because I thought I was connected to her and that’s why I was having tinnitus.

I was crying for no good reason.

Without antipsychotic treatment I only thought of women as objects of sexual desire.

I thought everyone was attracted to me.

I thought wherever I would go there was no females because they were always occupied having sex.

I thought it was the end of the world.

I didn’t hear voices or see things.

Now with the treatment I realize all those things are totally false. I feel kind of silly.


I thought i had sex with people but now im not so sure, well its in the past

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I get sexual delusions and erotomania off meds. Its embarrassing.

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I am diagnosed with sz but its up to your Dr to diagnose you, not us.


Thanks yes it’s my doctor job to diagnose me. He said I have some type of schizophrenia. :laughing:
But I don’t know what category it is.
When I have the meds I feel I don’t have schizophrenia. :upside_down_face:

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The voice Louisa always tells me sexual things

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Sexual stuff can be difficult to deal with.

Currently have an overlapping internal voice saying “pusssy” and “horny” and I have a tactile hallucination on my vagina while the voice says this.

When I was heavy in psychosis, I had a very strong tactile hallucination of penetration in my vagina. Like being raped by a ghost is the only way I can describe it.

Very upsetting, and it makes having a normal, sexual relationship difficult at times.


Ive had sexual hallucinations. Kind of bizarre but they seem to of dissipated in the last year and a half.

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I didn’t have sexual delusions but I had sexual hallucinations they were auditory and sensory like hearing women moaning the sensory were absolutely bizarre

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I think someone on this site said that if you are psychotic for over six months you are schizophrenic.

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If you were diagnosed with schizophrenia, you probably have schizophrenia. And to me, it sure sounds like you do.

In my past, I had sex related delusions. I thought my husband was unfaithful, but he would never actually be unfaithful. He’s a wonderful husband.

I thought that everyone in public was sexualizing me, like undressing me in their minds. I also constantly felt in danger of being sexually attacked, when in public.

And other things that I don’t want to talk about. But the point is, yes, I also had sex related delusions. My diagnosis is schizoaffective bipolar type.

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I thought all of my neighbors were having sex with each other. Like there were a lot of affairs and swinging. I was “hearing” them talking about it. They were the voices in my head. I also found this embarrassing. I’m glad I don’t hear these voices anymore medicated.

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at the peak of my psychosis I thought one of my three erotomania figures was a high paid porn star…thought they were having orgies in churches with children, all sorts of bad stuff…no I stay away from all visions now that had to do with that.


Thank you for sharing. I read everything it seems like this is way more common than what I thought. Sexuality is such a big part of ourselves. I always thought I was because I was a virgin that I had these delusions. Because craving sex so much made me mad. I don’t know if it’s true or even possible.

Having said that I don’t have persecutory sexual delusions. I think you need a lot of strength to go through them. To me you are all brave to have handled them.

I had sexual delusions…i thought i met my “twin flame” and what i felt or heard was from him…I am medicated now so they are not as bad anymore and no longer believe in twin flames or any of that stuff


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