7️⃣ Say Anything VII 7️⃣

After all these lessons in communication class. All I can say is how hard it must be to be a woman. Even harder to be a woman your whole life.


I’m in my pajamas and haven’t showered in awhile. I honestly don’t even know if I’m depressed. And I think hippos are kinda cute in an ugly way. But I like spiders too so I’m kind of weird like that. :spider:

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Five is a mysterious number…But now I know what you’re saying!

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What is more tired… me or a tyre?

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I’m not a fan of spiders, but they don’t scare me. Snakes freak me the ■■■■ out, though. Snakes and clowns are the two things that I just can’t deal with.

Oh clowns totally scare the hell out of me :clown_face:

It can be difficult communicating with people who think you can read their mind and seem to start mid sentence or mid thought. I work with a woman famous for it. I basically blow fuses trying to engage with her.

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Do you want me to bore a hole through your skull Jesspresso? Yes I am a very boring guy…

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Pelicans scare me.

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Like how famous? All I know is how much it hurts to think as if I were a girl. All I wanna do is kms. I can only imagine how it is to be a real girl. Are you a guy or a girl btw?

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Famous in my mind … come on friend you surely remember me as a girl? The mrs of mr and mrs turtle? No? Doesn’t matter if you don’t remember me from way back when.

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What is anything doing. ?::))

I predict that


Is going to post a comment.


Has anyone here ever had plantar fasciitis? I think I might have it my feet cain.

I have a gp appointment tomorrow to get it checked out.

Thanks for the offer, but I am currently having lots of fun on a date with a dried date… :smile:

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Everhopeful is the new discobot! :slight_smile:

Hee! Hee! :rofl:

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I predict that


Is going to post a comment too. :crystal_ball:

What happened with the frozen sandwich?

Was it good as a McRib?

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And I’m robbing 2Pac of cigarettes.

(That sounded pretty lame I know…)

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