Seroquel vs Xanax? Good or bad?

I currently have Xanax for an as needed med. Xanax does not do much for me besides dampening my brain and then eventual overeating (which causes misery).

I might ask my dr for prn seroquel instead. I gained a ton of weight on it but I took 800 mg before. I’d only ask for like 25-100 mg prn. I remember it being calming. I don’t want to gain weight though like before.

Good or bad idea?

What are your experiences or thoughts?

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That’s a go idea because it’s harder to get addicted to Seroquel than Benzos.

I will prefer benzos to any antipshycotics


I think Seroquel bcz I’m having a hard time not craving Xanax.

I never had over eating issues with benzos.

Olanzapine on the other hand…

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Benzos though u get dependant on
Especially like me after 10 years of clonazepam