I want to talk science… more or less always… I think my days of self-analysis are coming to and end.
I used to speculate on the ways to divide and organize all knowledge under one generalized tree. The definitions build up from simple “primordials,” as I took to calling them, Then from those new “additionals” are woven in a web of dependency.
It’d allow you to pick a topic and much like a dictionary it refer you to these dependencies in an organized fashion.
Now I haven’t begun building this tree. It’s multidimensional and I lack a good medium to assemble it. I have though laid out the general structure of how knowledge can be divided.
Knowledge of what is constant. (Physics)
Knowledge of what has been. (History)
Knowledge of what is present. (Perception)
Knowledge of what can potentially occur. (Rationalization)
In computer science it’s called an ontological structure. Ontology is otherwise philosophical, the analysis of what is, and why, and what purpose.
It has strong applications for artificial intelligence. The better assembled the framework of knowledge, the more simple the process for a computer program to resolve and recall needed data for rationalization.
I think the strongest application of AI is not becoming the thing that does all of our work, but it becomes our reference. Every question you have answered in a way that is tailored to you as needed. Expanding human intelligence along side the birth/expansion of digital intelligence.
So let’s start with that… What do you think of artificial intelligence and how it can fit into the world?
I see a layer of autonomy that will free people from drudgery along side that educational reference that empowers individuals in a way that allows them to fit into the softer side of economics. Entertainers, Educators, Financial advisers, Designers, Engineers, Artists, Musicians… I mean it has potential applicability in all regards to human understanding.
Like an ad-hoc lecture on any topic you choose at any point in time. Then aside from that you can focus on what humans are supposed to be focused on. Enjoying the ongoing moment of life.